Your All-in-One Student Life Companion

Find discounts, sell and buy books, discover career opportunities and buy event tickets. All in one place.

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Simplify Your Student Life

Discounts: Discover discounts from your favorite brands and save big

Books: Save money by buying second-hand textbooks or make extra cash by selling yours

Career: Connect with top employers, explore internships, and build your future

Communicate: Chat, collaborate, and build relationships with fellow students

Event & Tickets: Find and book tickets to the biggest events on campus and beyond

For Associations:
Improve your event management

Boost engagement and make administrative work easier:

  • Increase event attendance and ticket sales
  • Send notifications to attendees
  • Simplify membership management
  • Reduce the waiting time at event entrances with quick ticket scanning
For Businesses:

Connect with Tomorrow's Talent

Elevate your brand and recruitment efforts:

  • Expand your talent pool with targeted access to students

  • Enhance your employer brand visibility
  • Improve recruitment efficiency and quality
  • Offer exclusive discounts to build brand loyalty

Introducing Orbi Connect: Smart Networking at Career Fairs & Events

Orbi Network
Smart Matching

Instantly connect with relevant employers

Connect 2
Digital Interactions

Exchange details before, during & after events

Connect 3

Join your future employer’s talent pool & get discovered

Say Goodbye to Missed Connections

Make every career fair count.

Why Students Love Orbi

Join the Largest Student Community in the Nordics

Connect with thousands of students just like you.

Orbi Why
Everything in One App

Discounts, events, career opportunities, and second-hand books—all in one place.

association 2
Stay Connected, Online & Offline

Meet new people, chat with friends, and engage with student life.

Smarter Student Life

Save money, grow your network, and kickstart your career effortlessly.


Ready to make Your University Experience even better?

Join thousands of students, associations, and businesses already benefiting from Orbi.

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