Orbi Insights

Make your Valborg event the best yet!

Written by Sara Hägge | Apr 11, 2023 3:36:42 PM

April is here, and we know what that means; Valborg is coming! This weekend will be full of parties and events, so make sure your event runs smoothly! 

Recently the students of Uppsala made the news when more than 800 students were waiting in line in the snow to secure tickets for the Valborg celebrations. Even though it looked like they had some fun, we’re sure you’d appreciate a smoother way to distribute tickets for your upcoming events.

If you have yet to try out Orbi, now's a great time to get started. By leveraging the digital platform to host an event and sell tickets, you'll have much more time to make the party as good as possible. Your eventgoers will thank you.


This is how it works, and these are the benefits:

1: Orbi gathers everything you need for your event, on one platform. Communicate your event, send invites, see who is coming, and sell tickets. You can even ask questions and get food preferences from your eventgoers. Do you have a discounted price for members? Not a problem; the platform can quickly verify membership and ensure the discounted price for members.

2: It’s free. Yes, that is right! There is only a small transaction fee tied to ticket sales when they’re actually sold.

3: Communicate with your students through push notifications. The students get the notifications through the app and won’t miss out on important updates.

4: Orbi facilitates your financial report needs, which saves your treasurer hours of work. That way, they can have more fun too!

5: Hassle-free changes of board members. Since board members usually change every 6-12 months, it’s imperative that no info is lost in the process. With Orbi, everything is gathered in one place, making the transitions smoother and more time efficient.

It’s easy to get started, simply create your account and you’re ready for your Valborg event. Need help? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!