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Hiring top university talent in a new digital era

Hiring top university talent in a new digital era

Gone are the days when students were active in job-hunting groups on Facebook. And as a recruiter, you should take notice. Finding skilled workers with a university education is becoming more complex since Facebook, which used to be a central gathering place for students, is losing ground. 

The problem: Changing social media habits of young people

Once the most popular social media platform, Facebook is less relevant to students. According to the market research company eMarketer, Facebook users aged 18 to 24 declined by 5.8% in 2021. Meanwhile, LinkedIn, another major social media platform, doesn't see many students accessing the platform either. In 2019, the platform had just about 5% of its total user base be students, likely due to the perception that it is geared toward experienced job seekers.

The rise of newer platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok amplifies this decline. These media are much more focused on social life, visuals and hot-takes, making it much more difficult for recruiters to stay relevant. 

Still – research shows that students are as interested in what happens after graduation as ever. They're just not interested in hearing about it while on TikTok. So, if you've struggled to make your employer brand feel relevant on social media, you're definitely not alone.


The solution: A central point of contact through Orbi

Orbi founder David Maars experienced this same issue first-hand. While he studied at university, the Facebook group had been a central hub for all things campus. Things had already drastically changed when he started a hiring agency after graduating, targeting other newly-grads and students for junior positions at a wide variety of companies. The groups were no longer as active, and it proved much more difficult for businesses looking to hire to get in touch.

As the head of a recruiting firm, Mr Maars quickly realised that what was needed was a forum specifically designed around the student's needs. A new media channel with content tailor-made for them and only them. That way, relevance could be kept high, and student organisations and students themselves would find more use for the platform.

Orbi is the solution to this problem. By solving needs specific to these two groups, the product of that realisation has seen rapid and steady growth since its incorporation in 2020. At the time of writing, the platform grows by 7-10 per cent – adding thousands of new users – each month.


The benefits: Scalable student and alumni recruitment for HR professionals

So, what does that mean to recruiters? How does an app affect the way you manage your employer brand as an HR professional? 

By allowing you direct access to one of the most frequently-used forums for students throughout the respondents' entire time at university, in a way where you, as an employer, are a natural part of the user experience, Orbi can give you the time you need to build a fruitful relationship. Instead of relying entirely on manual visits to work fairs or attending universities in person, Orbi offers a much more scaleable complement to your recruiting efforts.

With a business account on Orbi, recruiters can set up a bespoke employer profile readily visible to relevant students. Employers can promote specific roles using the applications' job posting functionality, while the Connect feature simplifies outreach and administration through a unified inbox. All while staying integral to the student's experience of the platform.


What's next: Try Orbi for yourself

Orbi is a popular and active platform for students and recruiters alike. If you're struggling to connect with university students for recruitment purposes, it could be the solution you've been looking for.

By partnering with universities, societies, and unions through the app, all the while establishing a solid online presence where students are, employers can engage with students and offer them the opportunity to gain practical experience in their chosen fields.

Setting up a profile and adapting your employer brand messaging to respective student groups is a one-time job that'll pay off for years to come. To learn more and try Orbi for yourself, visit orbiapp.io, where you can sign up for a demo to get started.




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